New Shop Hours 2025/Contact

Sad news!

With a heavy heart I am writing to say that Blackhawk is no longer with us. For the past 7 years he worked here with us in the shop. He was head of security, an unbelievable community service worker and with a few exceptions (mailmen, delivery people, a dog that wanted to come in) a great friend to all. He loved to curl up next to people trying out guitars, coerce anyone into playing any form of ball, show you where the cookie jar was or stare longingly at your pockets…and he would hold your hand with his paw.

This photo was a gift from the late Shirley Bittner,  photographer extraordinaire and one of Blackhawks many friends.

I am grateful for 7 amazing years with my bud who I often called “little guy” in spite of his 100lbs. Gone way too soon, I know he will be missed by many.

