December 2014
The Christmas Season is well underway and we will have slightly different hours for the rest of December. If our posted hours are not convenient for you please let us know how we can help. We will try to accommodate wherever possible if you give us a call at 613-233-9688 or send us an email
Thank you very much for your continuing support. The shop will turn 55 years old in April 2015. We wish you and your loved ones all a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
Saturday December 27th 10 - 5
Sunday December 28th 12 - 5
Monday Closed
Tuesday December 30th 10 - 5
Wednesday December 31st 10 - 5
New Year's Day Closed
Friday January 2nd 10 - 6

Special thanks to Spencer Perry for this wonderful picture of Blackhawk!